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Spring 2022 Trips


Greenhouse 17
Lexington, Kentucky

The participants in Greenhouse 17 maintained plants, performed gardening tasks, and helped cook. They did this in a greenhouse that grows plants and cooks them to feed the local homeless.

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Families in Transition Manchester, New Hamp.

FIT is an organization dedicated to helping assist in feeding, housing and social services for homeless families and individuals. Participants helped prepare and cook meals, stock the warehouse,  and maintain the building's grounds.

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IRC Abilene
Abilene, Texas

IRC Abilene participants volunteered at a branch of the International Rescue Committee in Abilene, Texas. They helped refugees primarily from various countries in Africa and the Middle East. They helped with ESL classes, furnishing apartments, and organizing a donor fair to give the refugees essential items they would need for their new life in the US.

SBP Houston
Houston, Texas

SBP Houston members volunteered by building/maintaining affordable homes for families in the suburbs of Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

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